a - z指数


成立于1905年, 和记棋牌娱乐有着悠久的历史, 丰富的, 引人注目的过去和至关重要的, 多样化的, 有趣的礼物. 的 西北历史博物馆在线 was designed to showcase the institution's history and offers visitors a window into campus life and the contributions of Northwest faculty, 教职员及学生.



西北科学博物馆, 哪些是地球科学和特劳曼系列的特色, 都在加勒特-斯特朗科学大楼.

的 Geoscience Museum is located on the first floor of Garrett-Strong and features a full-scale reproduction of a fossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex skull, a meteorite display and geological specimens collected in various parts of the United States, 包括密苏里北部.

沃尔特·M. 和维尔玛C. Troutman Collection is located on the second and third floors of Garrett-Strong and features an impressive display of North American mammals, which the Troutmans collected during big-game hunting trips at home and abroad between 1966 and 1982. 除了灰太狼, 麋鹿, 叉角羚和科迪亚克棕熊, the Troutman Collection includes the four varieties of bighorn sheep found in North America: desert bighorn, 山地大角羊和两种小角羊, 白与石.

有关藏品的更多信息或安排参观,请联系 museums@lgmobilereg.com.


自1993年以来,西北一直是官方 密苏里州立植物园.

的 Arboretum won the 2000 CommuniTree Award "for exemplary stewardship of community trees."

的 University and the City of Maryville were awarded the 2001 Communitree Award for the bypass project east of Maryville at the intersection of highways 71 and 136. 的 awards were presented to the Missouri Arboretum by the Missouri Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council and the Forestry Division of the Missouri Department of Conservation.

An arboretum is a place where trees and other plants are grown for educational or scientific purposes. 在西北校区, 多于1,300棵树提供春天的花朵, 夏季遮阳, 秋天的颜色和冬天的庇护所.

西北地区树种的多样性在许多层面上提供了教育. 教师们用这些树来教授生物学和植物学. Local residents thinking of planting saplings can come to campus and view mature specimens before making a decision.


的 沃伦·斯图基广播博物馆 is one of the few museums - and perhaps the only one in the Midwest - dedicated exclusively to radio and TV broadcasting.

Created from the personal collection of retired radio engineer Warren Stucki and expanded with arti事实 donated by radio buffs across Missouri and Iowa, the museum traces the development of wired and wireless communication from the telegraph through the "golden years" of radio up to the current digital era.

看到大约30台老式收音机的收藏, 游客们经常回忆起“爷爷的”收音机或“和记棋牌娱乐第一次买电视的时候”." 的 museum also features several interactive displays where guests can tap out Morse Code, 听听旧时的广播剧和广告, and listen to President Franklin Roosevelt deliver his first Fireside Chat over an authentic 1930s living room console.

其他亮点包括一个工作, 带有圆筒唱片的爱迪生手摇留声机, 大约在1900年, a 1924 article from "Successful Farming" magazine explaining why all farm families should have a radio in their home, vintage television gear and recording equipment used to create "the miracle of video tape," and the military radio young Stucki carried through the European theater during World War II.


位于B的二楼.D. 欧文斯图书馆, 大学档案馆有数千份文件, photographs and arti事实 associated with 多于100 years of Northwest history.

图书馆也有一些特别的藏书, 包括胡珀内战收藏, 威拉·凯瑟收藏, 刘易斯B. 梅休收藏和查理一世. 下面介绍弗莱集合.

欲了解更多信息,请联系大学档案管理员 nwarchives@lgmobilereg.com.


B.D. 欧文斯图书馆 houses a complete first-edition set of the works of novelist Willa Cather, which was acquired by matching a substantial gift from a patron with Northwest Foundation funds.

促使我购买这套套装的原因是她收到了一份礼物. 查尔斯(莱拉)贝尔, an avid reader and supporter of higher education and the arts whose love for Cather's writings was inspired by a Northwest faculty member. 夫人. 贝尔的捐赠与莫尔豪斯和萨维尔的遗赠资金相当.

第一册上有凯瑟的签名. 来支持这种罕见的持有, 欧文斯图书馆 has developed a solid collection of scholarly material about Cather ranging from biographies and annotated bibliographies through memorabilia to current criticism of her works.

的 most recent acquisition to the Cather collection is a rare "advanced copy" - a bound galley proof - sent to Cather for final editing before the work was published.


汤姆·霍伯, 玛丽维尔居民兼房地产经纪人, 是一个狂热的内战纪念品和著作收藏家. Of particular interest in the Hooper bequest to the 欧文斯图书馆 are the "Official Records of the Union Army" and the "Official Records of the Confederate Army,“关于南北双方人员和物资的详尽记录.

One of the most unusual pieces of the Hooper bequest is a rare reproduction printed in a limited edition of a Civil War soldier's handwritten diary.

胡珀的遗赠总计近400册,以及文物和纪念品. This bequest is actively supported through the 欧文斯图书馆's current collection development efforts, 其中包括新增的新的学术著作, 视频和纪念品.

刘易斯B. 梅休集合

的 欧文斯图书馆 contains the entire personal library of the eminent scholar of higher education, Dr. 刘易斯B. 梅休.

的 collection includes 梅休's substantial contributions to scholarship and research in higher education, dissertations of graduate students who benefited from his mentoring and books and journals that he read and reviewed for a large number of professional associates.

这些藏品是在院长迪恩·L·欧文的努力下来到欧文斯图书馆的. 哈伯德博士的合著者和前学生. 梅休博士的. 梅休的儿子刘易斯. 梅休小. 梅休收藏的独特卷分别存放在梅休室. 的 standard works have been incorporated into the 欧文斯图书馆's main collection.

查理一世号. 弗莱集合

In 1995, the 欧文斯图书馆 received a valuable collection of works relating to geology from Professor Charles I. 弗莱, who retired from Northwest in 1996 after several years of service to the Department of Geology and Geography.

Dr. 弗莱's interest in early and rare geology textbooks resulted in his collecting a substantial number of special works. Most notable of these is the rare 1834 edition of Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, 是哪一个让现代学者对其手工绘制的车牌和地图感到满意.